Hello, my name is _________, and I'm a (recovering) sex addict. Welcome to this meeting of Sex Addicts Anonymous. Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is a fellowship of men and women who are committed to a program of spiritual recovery from a life that involved compulsive, uncontrollable and harmful sexual practices.

SAA is not aligned with any religion, sect or denomination. It is not affiliated with any program or organization, and neither accepts nor receives any financial support aside from the voluntary contributions of its members.

We carry our message of hope to other sex addicts who seek our help. We reach out through personal contact whenever asked and offer a means of recovery through the SAA program. We ask that the prospective member have a desire to stop the addictive behavior. We ask that the prospective member will at all times respect the confidentiality of and anonymity of other members.

Although our personal stories differ, we have embraced a program of recovery that has these three aspects in common:

  • Whether our behavior was acted out alone or in relationships, we found ourselves powerless over our addiction despite repeated attempts to change our actions.

  • We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

  • Asking that Higher Power to accept control over our lives and to remove our defects of character, we fully and honestly committed ourselves to a program of spiritual recovery.

Please share with me in a moment of silence or meditation followed by The Serenity Prayer.

Moment of Silence


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Will the person who has Our Problem, please read it?

Will the person who has How It Works, please read it?

Will the person who has The 12 Traditions, please read any two of them?

(At the first meeting of the month ask the person with the Abstinence Statement to read it)

Due to the urgent need for anonymity, this is a closed meeting. If you cannot relate to the material you have just heard, or you do not believe you have a problem, please leave at this time. Also, as this is an online meeting with audio and video streams, please make sure that in your environment only you can hear the audio and only you can see the video.

Will all present please introduce themselves using first names only? Newcomers, do not need to admit to a sex addiction. If this is your fist time to this meeting, please let us know so that we can welcome you.

Hello, my name is ______, and I'm a (recovering) sex addict.

This meeting is listed as Mixed and LGBTQ. While the meeting topic is often focused on issues related to being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or questioning, the meeting openly welcomes all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

It is our responsibility to keep these rooms a confidential and safe space. Our meeting is not a place to meet sexual partners. We ask that all present check their intentions and motives when contacting and sharing their information with others via the chat feature. When contacting fellow addicts outside of the meeting, everyone should always refrain from sexually predatory behavior. If our group becomes aware of a member violating our traditions or engaging in predatory behavior, they will be asked not to return. Anyone who feels they have been subject to violation are encouraged to contact the chair of the meeting.

We do not crosstalk between members during the meeting, and leaders do not give feedback. We use the words “I” or “we” instead of “you” when sharing about our recovery. We do not interrupt or give advice and we address our sharing to the whole group, not to one or more individuals. We avoid mentioning specific apps, websites, or places associated with our acting-out behavior. Our focus remains on the solution, rather than the problem.

Please limit your share to 3-5 minutes. A timer will sound at four and half minutes to give you thirty seconds to complete your share.

You may provide your name and contact number for support and indicate whether you need a sponsor or are willing to sponsor. This is strictly optional.

According to our Seventh Tradition, we have no dues or fees, but are entirely self-supporting. During the meeting information on how to support SAA financially will be posted in the chat.

*First Steps and Mini-First Steps should be scheduled a week in advance by contacting the chairperson of the month.


(skip if no first step)

Tonight, we have a first step and _______ (usually the sponsor) will read the First Step Introduction


Tonight, we will be reading from _________

(After the topic is introduced and read, open the meeting for comments on the reading or checking in)

Opening Our Problem How it Works 12 Traditions The Promises Closing

Abstinence First Step