Day One - A Journaling App


iPhone, Android, and Mac compatible.

I remember my first few days after discovery. I was in a fog. My partner had found porn on their iPad, confronted me, and I denied everything again. I started going to SAA meetings the next day. But who could I talk to? It was first time I felt the taboo feelings around sex addiction. I was alone surrounded by people I didn’t know. The rooms were a new place for me and I didn’t understand the nuances of my new-found addiction, much less these strangers and their brutal honesty in spilling their guts every time they appeared before the group.

That was when I turned to journaling. I had never journaled before. So, off into the world of the Apple App Store I went to find the latest and greatest of journaling apps. I downloaded what seemed to be 7 or 8 apps. It didn’t take long before Day One rose out of the ashes as the app to make the cut when all others didn’t.

I didn’t expect an app to be able to integrate like Day One did for me.

Lots of device options

Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, Android using the companion app.


Lots of choices to start out your journaling. Simple options make it a winner.

Here are a few features that I like about Day One:

  • Geolocation for posts

    • Where was I when I wrote my entry? Not a problem, as the location tracking helped me remember not only the location, but the people that were in the room with me, and things that were said. Early on, my day-to-day was a blur and I didn’t even know where I had been on some days.

  • Embedding pictures into my journaling

    • I really like this feature because there were times we were reading out of Voices of Recovery and I wanted to record the reading as well as type out my feelings related to that particular meeting.

  • Tagging

    • I could tag entries with different key words such as SAA, SLAA (I attended SLAA for a while in conjunction with SAA), sponsor meetings, first steps, and other unique tags. This is really good for finding an entry later on.

  • Scanning text

    • This option scans the reading materials right off of the page. It wasn’t in the app when I first started using it, but it is a nice upgrade.

  • Multiple journals

    • I also keep a medical journal along with my sex addiction journal. It is separate for the right reasons. You can have several journals if you like and name them whatever you want to.

  • Rich Text Formatting

    • This allows you to emphasis what is important. I like to journal how I talk and not talk like I journal. I’m not an author as you already know by now.

Day One really allowed me to process my addiction on my terms. Thank you Day One.


Keep your journal safe with passcode protection on all devices.


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